Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Facts: Did Pilgrims have the meals we have?

       Hello readers! Today I am going to share a few facts about Thanksgiving meals back then. This is a short, special post on Thanksgiving. What do you eat on Thanksgiving? Do you eat: Turkey? Potatoes? Pumpkin Pie? Cranberries? What if you had to eat venison? The pilgrims had to eat things like this and they had to eat their grown crops. Many people take their Thanksgiving meal for granted. If pilgrims didn't have the luxuries we do, what did they eat? Let's find out.

       First on their list would be the deer that they hunted. Capturing a deer is a big achievement, especially without modern technology. Most deer are fast and their eyesight is sharp. So naturally, deer would a prized meal.

        Second would be the cranberries and corn they grew. Are you surprised? Don't be! The cranberries they ate were much unlike the cranberries we eat today. They were not covered in the delicious sauce our cranberries are covered with. The pilgrims grew cranberries, wich they had to pick and eat ripe. 

        Thirdly, there was the grain. Since this feast was celebrated for the fact that the pilgrims had achieved a wonderful harvest season, the pilgrims and Indians feasted on grain. 

        Lastly there were the wildfowl. Wildfowl is any type of bird hunted by someone. In addition to the deer, wildfowl was the only thing there was for meat. 

         I hope everyone enjoyed these facts that I put up for Thanksgiving. If you have a fact to add, be sure to leave a comment! Once again, enjoy your Thanksgiving! 

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