Thursday, October 4, 2012

Personalize Your Binder
         This week's theme is decorating school supplies. Today we are going to make our binders special, by adding photos and some other and small homemade frames. You can find the required supplies at the craft store. This is not time consuming at all. It takes 30 minutes at the maximum. This is a fun activity and demands very little effort. Below are the supplies  you will need to make your own, special binder. (Go to this link if you can't find the supplies: )

  • 1" binder      
  • Chosen photos (I suggest photo copies since you will have to cut them).
  • Construction paper  
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape   
                The steps are listed below. Make sure to follow them very carefully. If you have extra decorations, then put them in according to you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or advice; feel free to leave a comment and be sure to follow. You can also take the poll. Whichever category will have the most votes, will be selected for my next post. So start decorating your binders!

  1) There will be a blank, see through page attached to the cover. Find that page otherwise you can't decorate the binder.
  2) Take a photo and a peice of construction paper. Cut the construction paper so it is slightly bigger than your photo. Make sure to cut the construction paper in the shape of your photo. The photo should be no bigger than 4" by 3" inches.
  3) Do this for all of the photos.
  4) Glue/ tape all of the corners of the photo to the frame. Do this for all of the photos.
  5)  Slide all of the photos in to the see through page.
  6) You have your personalized binder ready!
pictures from:

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