Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hot Chocolate

         Merry Christmas! I wish you all a very merry Christmas. Christmas is a time for family and friends so today I am going to show you a recipe that is quick and easy that everyone loves. Hot chocolate! This is a drink that you can curl up  on your couch and enjoy with everyone. Let's get started!

         You will need:
  • one cup milk
  • four teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • a small amount of cinnamon
  • one fourth teaspoon vanilla extract
  • two tablespoons of sugar


  1. In a mug/ jug combine two tablespoons of milk and cocoa powder
  2. Add in the sugar and stir thoroughly
  3. Warm the remaining milk in a microwave and add the vanilla extract
  4. Pour the milk in your container and stir thoroughly
  5. Sprinkle the cinnamon on the top
  6. Enjoy with friends and family!

     I hope everyone enjoyed this recipe. Remeber, the comments section is always open for advice, suggestions, or questions. Bye and keep coming for more mouth watering recipes!

pictures from: https://www.google.com/
video from: http://www.youtube.com/

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