Saturday, October 6, 2012

Red Velvet Cupcakes

                   Red Velvet Cupcakes
       Guess what viewers? This week's theme is cooking! Almost everyone who took the poll selected cooking interests them most. So today I am going to teach you a mouthwatering recipe. Red velvet cupcakes! Everyone seems to love these. I am a big fan myself! So let's get started!
          For red velvet cupcake batter you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour                                  buttermilk
  • brown sugar                      eggs
  • white sugar                       oil
  • salt                                    vanilla extract
  • baking soda                       white vinegar
  • baking powder                   red food coloring
  • cocoa powder

For the frosting you will need:

  • cream cheese
  • butter
  • vanilla extract
  • powdered sugar
and cream

       I bet most of you cannot wait to taste these cupcakes. But unfortunately, these cupcakes take a while. There will be a video for those who want to follow along. These are the world's best selling cupcakes. If you have a  suggestion for my my next post please leave a comment.So get started making these cupcakes!

            Here are the steps for making red velvet cupcakes:
1) Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir with a whisk until all ingredients are combined thoroughly.
2) In a bowl, beat eggs while slowly streaming in oil. Beat until the mixture is thin.
3) Add vanilla extract, white vinegar, and red food coloring.
4) Mix in the dry ingredients and slowly pour in buttermilk while beating on low. Make sure that the batter is thoroughly combined.
5) Pour the batter into paper cups and put in the oven.
6) After a while, take out the cupcakes and allow to cool.
7) While the cupcakes are cooling, make the frosting.
8) Combine cream cheese and butter into a bowl
9) Begin adding powdered sugar.
10) Then add vanilla extract and cream.
11) Mix on high. Make sure the frosting is mixed thoroughly. 
12) When the cupcakes have cooled, take a butter knife and spread the frosting on.
13) Your red velvet cupcakes are ready!

pictures from:

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